

Chakra - Crown/Third Eye/Throat/Heart/Solar Plexus/Sacral/Root

Color - Olive Green/Blue/Grey

Zodiac - Scorpio/Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Pisces

Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. It aids one in magical and ritual work and will bring one to their deep depths where an abundance of knowledge can be discovered. For this very reason, Labradorite is considered by many to be a stone of transformation and self-discovery. It helps one to awaken to their own unique magical abilities and powers. For example, if you are somebody who has always been intuitive, Labradorite will help to enhance this gift and bring it to the conscious mind of the user.

Labradorite delivers to its user the conscious awareness to identify synchronistic occurrences. Aside from our day to day occurrences, this stone will allow for the removal of ones physical restraints and pierce the veil between the world of form and the world of the unseen. Labradorite serves only true magicians that seek to obtain power over only themselves. For those that attempt to use Labradorite for any other reason, you’ll find that the stone simply does not respond to any desire of external control.

When working with Labradorite you will find that its energies are most potent during the hours of dusk and dawn. It is during the hour of dusk that we are most in resonance with the actual earthly cusp of Labradoressence. Looking up at the sky on a moonlit night when the very first stars of the evening are appearing, when the sky has become spectral with color, we begin to hear and feel Labradorite’s direct physical connection. Taking a walk into nature at this time will bring us in touch with our subconscious and to aid in manifesting your highest awareness through moon and nature energies. (Source TheCrystalCouncil)

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Chakra - Crown/Third Eye/Throat/Heart/Solar Plexus/Sacral/Root

Color - Olive Green/Blue/Grey

Zodiac - Scorpio/Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Pisces

Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. It aids one in magical and ritual work and will bring one to their deep depths where an abundance of knowledge can be discovered. For this very reason, Labradorite is considered by many to be a stone of transformation and self-discovery. It helps one to awaken to their own unique magical abilities and powers. For example, if you are somebody who has always been intuitive, Labradorite will help to enhance this gift and bring it to the conscious mind of the user.

Labradorite delivers to its user the conscious awareness to identify synchronistic occurrences. Aside from our day to day occurrences, this stone will allow for the removal of ones physical restraints and pierce the veil between the world of form and the world of the unseen. Labradorite serves only true magicians that seek to obtain power over only themselves. For those that attempt to use Labradorite for any other reason, you’ll find that the stone simply does not respond to any desire of external control.

When working with Labradorite you will find that its energies are most potent during the hours of dusk and dawn. It is during the hour of dusk that we are most in resonance with the actual earthly cusp of Labradoressence. Looking up at the sky on a moonlit night when the very first stars of the evening are appearing, when the sky has become spectral with color, we begin to hear and feel Labradorite’s direct physical connection. Taking a walk into nature at this time will bring us in touch with our subconscious and to aid in manifesting your highest awareness through moon and nature energies. (Source TheCrystalCouncil)

Chakra - Crown/Third Eye/Throat/Heart/Solar Plexus/Sacral/Root

Color - Olive Green/Blue/Grey

Zodiac - Scorpio/Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Pisces

Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. It aids one in magical and ritual work and will bring one to their deep depths where an abundance of knowledge can be discovered. For this very reason, Labradorite is considered by many to be a stone of transformation and self-discovery. It helps one to awaken to their own unique magical abilities and powers. For example, if you are somebody who has always been intuitive, Labradorite will help to enhance this gift and bring it to the conscious mind of the user.

Labradorite delivers to its user the conscious awareness to identify synchronistic occurrences. Aside from our day to day occurrences, this stone will allow for the removal of ones physical restraints and pierce the veil between the world of form and the world of the unseen. Labradorite serves only true magicians that seek to obtain power over only themselves. For those that attempt to use Labradorite for any other reason, you’ll find that the stone simply does not respond to any desire of external control.

When working with Labradorite you will find that its energies are most potent during the hours of dusk and dawn. It is during the hour of dusk that we are most in resonance with the actual earthly cusp of Labradoressence. Looking up at the sky on a moonlit night when the very first stars of the evening are appearing, when the sky has become spectral with color, we begin to hear and feel Labradorite’s direct physical connection. Taking a walk into nature at this time will bring us in touch with our subconscious and to aid in manifesting your highest awareness through moon and nature energies. (Source TheCrystalCouncil)